Sunday, January 10, 2010

Growing Up Part II

The girls had a wonderful time at their party. They loved all the attention and sugar!!! A special thanks to everyone who helped me with the party.....I truly couldn't have done it with out you!
Kallie and Klaire are changing every day! Their hair is growing very quickly lately. We can do pig tails now....hooray!!!! They are jabbering all the time and are still taking steps here and there, but mostly crawling. They interact with each other in new shaking their heads 'yes' and 'no' at each other! Klaire likes to dance to music and Kallie has found that she likes to wrestle with Landon (gently of course and they pounce on pillows together:). They are having a little seperation anxiety lately, especially with me, which is adding something new to the mix, but other than that they rarely cry. Everything they do is pretty adorable and we are having so much fun with them!
I need to update Liam's quotes b/c he has been saying some really cute things, so you guys will have to hold me accountable to adding his quotes....then I will actually sit down and do it!! Landon is happy to be back in the swing of things at school. He missed his best friend, Margo:) They are getting married ya know......that's what they told their teacher and Landon came home and told us. And since then, they have decided to talk about kids and Margo wants eight and Landon wants a billion, but they both agree that the first will be adopted from China like Margo and the second will be adopted from Arkansas!!!! (Landon was born in Arkansas) They are a crack up.