Also, I know that there is a possibility that the girls will come before Christmas or that I will be in the hospital during Christmas (on bed rest) and I want the girls to come when they are meant to come, however, I so desperately want to celebrate this year in the comfort of our home, giving the boys our undivided attention. I want the boys to feel so special and loved this Christmas and I know we can do that even in a hospital room (or if the girls have come, we can spend Christmas morning at home likely and then go up to the hospital to be with them) but it just seems to be on my list of 'trying not to worry abouts' lately:)
We will roll with the punches no matter what happens, but I just have this mommy instinct lately telling me that these babies are coming in December. I get my cervix checked at least every two weeks and this past Wednesday it was still long and closed, but it was soft. Doc told me he was happy with it and not to worry about it being soft, but you know I get held up on details sometimes:) Kevin and I have decided to look at it like, "Well, at least they didn't come this week!' So, 27 weeks is better than 26 and next week 28 will be better than 27 would have been! My prayer has not been for a specific week, it has been that when the girls or my body to decide to go into labor, that Kaitlyn and Kallie will be ready for this world. Premmies are fighters and modern medicine makes it possible for them to over come odds that in the past they otherwise would not have been able to overcome. So we are thankful. Nervous and prayerful, but thankful.
On a lighter note, Landon and Liam have been cracking us up with their latest baby comments! Liam has decided to call the girls 'Luigi'. Yes both of them. Or 'K K'. I guess we will take whatever we get from him:) I suppose the boys will have even more trouble getting the girls mixed up than us! Landon wants us to put a stamp on one of them.....he might be onto something there. We may have to do something to keep them from having their identies stolen by each other!
Landon may have gotten his need for details from me:) This week was no exception. We have gracefully danced around his questions about how the babies got in my belly and how they get out for awhile now. We knew that our responses like, "God put the babies there. And the doctor helps get the babies out." would only suffice for so long. Well it happened this week at dinner. He cornered me! I was clearing dishes when I heard the dreaded question come. Landon said, "So, how ARE they babies going to get out if you don't have any holes in your tummy?" I flubbered for a second and then smiled and said, "How about you go wash your hands while your daddy and I talk for a minute and then we will answer your question." So Kevin and I quickly decided that we shouldn't make this a huge deal, the question is not going away, and he is going to get too many confusing answers at kindergarten next year as is. So I sat down on the couch and he ran over sat down, criss-crossed his legs, stared at me with anticipation, and says, "I'm ready for this talk mom!" (I could hardly talk to him with a straight face.) We simply told him that babies usually come out mommies 'bottoms' (he knows the real term b/c 'bottom' also did not suffice his need for details!). Then came the denial, "No, you are kidding me dad. How does THAT work??!?!?" I said the 'bottom' gets big enough for the baby/babies to come out and then after the baby comes, it gets small again. And the mommy is fine. Landon had a few more questions that Kevin and I can't remember mostly b/c we were doubled over and then he says, "I got it. It's just like me going poops. But when I get a big one it comes out looking like a mushroom, are the girls going to look like mushrooms when they come out?"
I leave you with that! And some pics!
I will be praying for the girls and your family that they will be physically ready when they arrive. Aaron came at 33 weeks- I think he was more ready than me! Only a few minor problems have occured (has problems with ear infections and minor asthma issues they tell me is from him being so early, but if getting tubes put in and doing breathing treatments are our only problems That's GOOD). *A tip I got from a co-worker of mine that has identical twin boys- She put a dot of nail polish on only one son on his big toenail so she could tell them apart until she could tell by their personalities. Maybe you could try that?
He stinkin' cracks me up! You are such a good mommy to be so patient and give him what he needs. I wish I would have been a fly on the wall to hear that conversation!
So tell me when you need your meal. I'm ready to serve you and your sweet family.
I love conversations with Landon. He makes me laugh so much. I will be praying for you and the girls.
Mushroom babies... Thats hilarious! I'll be praying for you and 'Luigi' :)
I can only wait for questions like that from Avery Kate!! That is hilarious, I can totally see Landon thinking it is like his poops.
We will clearly be praying for you guys and you will do fine in any situation God puts you in!!
Ok, I was laughing out load at your explanation!!! HILARIOUS Laura! :) He sounds like such a character...he and Sterling would get along great!
I am going to be ordering some cards from you soon!! Is it still 15% off??
Can't wait to see some updated pics of your sweet little belly!
Laura, you are so sweet!!! Landon, Liam, Kaitlyn and Kallie are so blessed to have a mom that is so wonderfully sweet and in "tune" to how quickly they are changing!!! I have had SO much fun sharing in your crazy journey that you call life, I just never know what you are gonna say when we talk!!! haa haa!! and no matter when the girls get here, your faith in God and your awesome STRENGTH will get you through! (I have always been amazed at your strength!!!)
Loved your latest Landon story :) That kid always has me laughing, he is so smart! ps, praying for you and luigi!! hee hee! love you!!!!
Hey guys! Just checked out your blog for the first time....sorry?!
Looks like you guys are all reved up and ready to go with those twin girls! And two older brothers to boot, they'll be well looked after!
Good luck and let us know when your girls are ready to date some good-looking Canadian boys from Calgary. (But afraid one will be left out, lol).
Best wishes from all of us!
Steve Gamble (fellow 'multiple' daddy)
You guys are such wonderful parents! I never cease to be impressed by your patience and parenting style. Kallie and Kaitlyn are lucky to belong to such wonderful parents and big brothers!
You'll definitely be in my prayers. I pray that you and the girls will be safe, and that the boys will have a wonderful, fun Christmas no matter what the circumstances are.
HAHAHA. Landon sounds hilarious! I love it that you shared that on your blog!
We will definitely be praying for you and the girls. XO
WOW! Great way to answer a lot of questions that Aisling was inundated with!! Suggestion for a middle name (from a man)?! How about a female version of Drew (if there is one)?! Just an idea to honour that sweet guy up in heaven!
But, regardless of the names, they will roll off the tongue as little cuties no matter what!
Keep it up, sounds like y'all are doing great!
Steve (Calgary) - Triplet Daddy
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