Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All about Liam

My baby is not a baby anymore): He turned two almost a month ago and I didn't get many pictures from his party b/c I was making sure everyone got fed. Anyway, he had a Lightening McQeen party and almost every present he recieved had something to do with the movie Cars! He loved his cake, loved his presents, and loved the attention. Here are some things about Liam that I want to always remember:

-He is so affectionate
-He loves to cuddle with his blankie and his mommy and daddy
-He loves his broder (brother)
-He talks VERY well for his age
-He adores cars, trains, airplanes, and tractors
-He loves books
-He can count to 11 without missing any numbers
-He sings a very cute version of Jesus Loves Me, Thank you Jesus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, ABC's, I will fight this fight (a song brother taught him)
-He is not afraid of strangers
-He is more opinionated than Landon was at this age
-He is sleeping in a big boy bed
-He has started telling me that he loves me and it melts my heart
-His least favorite foods are meat and cheese sandwiches and green veggies
-His favorite foods are pizza, pastas, borritos, fruit, crackers and ANYTHING sweet
-He has to sleep with blankie and suck his thumb to fall asleep at night
-He enjoys doing pretty much anything that brother is doing
-He always wants to wear a hat and sun glasses when he go out
-He stomps down the hall and puts himself in time out when he is upset
-He gets very excited when daddy comes home
-He loves pretending to be animals
-He knows most of his shapes, colors, and letters
-He weighs about 31 pounds and is 33 1/2 inches tall
-He is starting to say some funny things, I am going to have to start adding his quotes:)
-His nicknames are Lee Man & Chicunk (that's what Aunt DeDe and Uncle Collin call him b/c he that's how he pronouced chipmonks on our Colorado trip and b/c of his chubby cheeks:)


Lane said...

Girl, planning this party just stresses me out to no end! I can't even imagine when I have two or more kids to have to plan for. They will probably be VERY simple parties, but for now it's ok! I just stress out for about 6 weeks! :)
I looked on craigslist and couldn't find one but got it with the Walmart discount...so I justified it! ha :) Hope you're feeling ok. Can't wait to hear what it is!

Sarah said...

Congrats to you guys too! I totally related to your post on the pregnancy complaints. I can't wait for my system to get back to normal! Maybe it will be different this time and maybe that means you are having a girl! I'll be praying for a safe pregnancy for you!

Varner said...

Liam is such a sweetie. I'm so glad we could get together for lunch the other day. Hopefully we can get together again soon.

Lindy said...

What a precious little love! I could seriously "eat him up!" You know, the other day I was reading Landon's quotes for a good laugh and thought, soon Laura will have to add a column for Liam! seeing pics of your boys just warms my heart!!!

Penny said...

So when do you start posting Liam quotes???
I love the "Hey Bud" one :)