Thursday, August 21, 2008

Randomness from last week

First, a shout out for the best cell phone ever. I know there are fancier ones around, but this pink razor was meant to be mine. Last week I left it outside in a thunderstorm over night! Oops! Next day I realized what I had done and I just knew it was toast....but against all odds it came back to life. Oh but that's not the first time this phone has been submerged. There was the time when it was swimming in the bottom of my purse in apple juice, the time when I spilled half a bottle of canola oil on top of it, the times that Liam got a hold of it while teething and I found him sucking/chewing on it, and the countless amount of times that it has been dropped in parking lots, tile floors, and any where else one can drop a cell phone!!!! So I'm thankful for a phone that can keep up with my craziness! And a tip for anyone who's cell phone gets soaked....take it apart and let it dry out before you try to turn it back on!

Secondly, a big thanks to my mother-in-law and sister-in-laws for the new maternity clothes! Here I am sporting my new tank top that says, 'It's not easy being quesy!' Love it! I think my belly has slowed down a bit, but I still can't believe this pooch for only being 14 weeks (13 in the picture)

Can you believe these goobers? Never a dull moment around here. I tell ya they can make those 32 inch waist shorts look like 40 right!!!!?!?!?

And this is just too good not to post. Minnie lays like this all the time with us on the couch and Kevin was trying to help her maintain some dignity for the photo op. HAHAHA!!


Anonymous said...

I love my family

shelly dahl said...

Love the belly. I want to come and visit you soon.

Lindsey Eason said...

Ok...when I saw the pic of your preggo belly I think I heard a record scratch...I had NO idea you were preggers!!! Congratulations!! Can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl (fingers crossed for a girl - you totally need the opportunity to play with nail polish, braids and bows!). And you look too cute with your lil' bump btw - you're still tiny as ever everywhere else! Thank you for the pizza crust recipe...I'm actually going to try it out tomorrow night...we have a Saturday night pizza tradition and I'm thinking your healthy recipe will become a family fave! :)

Lindsey Eason said...

I just got caught up on your posts...I'm going to have to try out your creamless tomato soup!...thanks for sharing your recipes! And sorry to hear that you have such a hard time with nausea - I remember when your first son was born and how he had to be in the hospital for so long - we'll definitely be praying that Staples #3 will bake a little longer!!!

Lindsey Eason said...

Yeah...I got the crazy lactation lady - she was truly obsessed and not in a good way! btw: I didn't know you saw Shep taken back to get cleaned! That's pretty neat - and it also makes me wonder if you were there to see the extreme cone head baby that was in the nursery when Shep was born? - I never saw him but all my family STILL talk about how pointed that poor babies head was!!

Lindy said...

you look gorgeous!!!! I laughed OUT LOUD at kevin and minnie! he is so silly :0)

Unknown said...

Your family is so precious! You look ADORABLE! Lastly, I have a cookie sheet at my house that belongs to you and would like to return it. Email me your number at and I will bring it by soon!

Jennifer said...

Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog! I do remember you. I didn't realize you were pregnant again. You look adorable!

Lane said...

Laura I just LOVE your little belly! You are such a cute pregnant lady! :) I can't wait to hear what you're having.
Oh, I love the vase and the little cut in, btw! :)

Amy said...

Congrats on number 3! We're hoping you get your girl this time :) ~The AR Bewleys