Me,"Landon, you're a goofball" Landon,"No, I'm a ball and your a goof mom."
Landon, "Did we see the North Pole?" Me,"No, that was just some frost from the Schwan's man's truck,"
Kevin,"Don't be afraid of the lightening Landon, it's just God taking our pictures" Lightening strikes again. Landon,"Mom, did you smile?"
Landon,"Is Liam talking to me," Me, "No honey, he is just a baby" Landon,"Oh he just needs new batteries I think."
Me, "What cereal do you want for breakfast?" Landon, "Crappin Crunch mommy."
Landon, "Run they are going to get us." Me,"Who is?" Landon, "Big Bird and Jesus mommy."
Landon, "Stop picking your nose mommy."
Landon, "Does Daisy (the Jackson's dog) have false teeth?"
Landon, "Now pay attention everybody, we are going to space today...."
Landon, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got it baby."
Landon to Kevin, "Right on cowboy."
Landon,"I'm probably kind of sensitive mommy."
Landon at the dinner table, "So I'm going to be a daddy soon....but I will be a mommy first and then a daddy."
Landon to me,"Granddad was so happy about me going poops that he was speechless mommy."
Landon, "Honestly mom. Honestly."
Landon, "You are driving me crazy Nanna."
Thunder strikes. Landon runs to the nearest window, looks out, starts waving and says, "Oh hi God."
Landon to April, "God sure is handsome. And he has a brother named Jesus."
Landon to older large lady at grocery store, "Daddy does she have a baby in her belly!"
Landon runs into my room with breaking news, "Larry the cucumber (Veggie Tales) does NOT have a weenie because he is just a vegetable mom."
Landon,"So how does the baby get in the mommy's tummy?"
Landon talking about a mannequin in the ladies section at JCPenny, "That lady has on panties mommy. She looks pretty nice."
Landon, "Tell April thank you mom."
Landon to Kevin, "Daddy, thanks for being my Daddy."
Landon to both of us, "If you eat lots of junk food, you will have a baby. And then the doctor will just help you get it out." (he made this conclusion all on his own)
Landon to me, "Jesus is in my heart mommy." Me, "Well, yes he sure is!" Landon gets a look of concern, "..............did I EAT Jesus???" Me laughing uncontrollably. Landon, "Yumm, Jesus was good."
Landon, "Why does that car have a smiley face on it?" Me, "Because he is happy. Why do you have a smile on your face?" Landon, "Because I love myself."
Landon, "Do you know how much I love you Mom?" Me, "No babe, how much?" Landon, "Sixty pounds!!!"
Landon, "There is still some room here for your booty mom." Me, "Thanks for the confidence booster sweetie."
Liam comes in the room. Landon, "Oh look, there's my old pal Liam."
Landon takes a bite of food that he not excited about, " ARE a good cook mom."
Landon, "Mom, these peaches are freaking my mouth out."
Landon to me about Liam, "Look at what your son is doing."
Landon, "Well oh my goodness our bushes sure do look like robots."
Landon, "Mom, I want to tell you something VERY sad. I do not have a pogo bouncer. I do not."
Landon to Kevin, "If you were a teacher that could teach me to teach everyone else, I could teach the best teachers in the world."
Me, "Landon you need to stop scratching your leg." Landon, "But my brain is telling me to mom."
Landon gives me a sweet kiss on my cheek. I say, "Landon you sure are a good kisser." Landon, "Ya, I'm just a kissing machine."
My sister to Landon, "So Landon if you did have a nickname, what would it be?" Landon, "Hot tub."
Landon, "Those pants are too tight for ya mom."
Landon, "Did you going to the Kidding Store to get all of your jokes daddy?!?!?"
Us joking with Landon about him having a babies in his belly too and Landon getting pretty defensive.."No I do not! I am a boy and I poop when my tummy gets big!"
Driving in the car, "Daddy turn it up, I like my music loud and fast!!"
Kevin gets home from work and goes to change clothes. I call him out to help me with something and then remind him not to come out in his underwear because April was in the kitchen. Landon perks up, "Why not? Daddy looks REALLY good in his underwear!!!"
Me, "Landon I just realized that I forgot to send you with something for show and tell at preschool....did you show and tell anything?" Landon, "Yeah mom. My brains."
Landon to me about my belly:
-"Mom I think you need longer shirts."
-"Mom what if your belly was as big as the earth?"
-"Mom what are we going to do with you when you won't fit in the car anymore?"
-"Mommy I think you are going to win the tummy contest."
Landon to granddad, "Hey, I know what I'm going to be when I grow up!! A poop teacher! I can help kids learn to poop in the potty!"
Landon to me, "Let's make a crane out of food mom." Me, "Uh...I'm not sure about that one." Landon, "Oh mom we can just go over to Rachel Ray's, she will help us."
Nanna and Papa, "Look Landon...there is a race car." Landon, "Well, is it a real race car or just one of those ones with a boiler on the back?"
Landon to Liam, "Well we aren't going to live with mom and dad forever. I am going to live with Margo. And you can come visit sometimes."
I tell Landon we are going to eat chinese food and he sighs like he doesn't want to and then says, "Well, I guess I better get used to it if I'm going to marry Margo."
Landon to us very concerned, "Dad I hope you did not fertilize our grass....oh no you did! You just ruined the coral reef."
Liam's Most Famous Quotes
Liam having a temper tantrum. Me, " Bud, I'll give you something to cry about." Liam, 'It's not Bud, it's Wee-um."
Liam is whinning for his juice. I tell him that he needs to ask the polite way. He gives me the evil eye and starts to pout, then perks up and says, "I know, I will use my manoooors mommy." "Juice.....pweeeeese?"
Liam to me, "You will eat broccowee (broccoli) and I will eat cookies."
Liam to me, "My feelings are not feeling so good." A little later, "My feelings feel so much better mom!"
Liam to me, "Mommy, why is my brudder in trouble? I don't like it." Me, "Well, that is sweet of you." Liam, "No it's not, it is so sad."
Liam to everyone he meets now, "Hi, I'm Wee-um. Let me tell ya a wittle story."
Liam to Kevin, "You are da best dad." Later that day he comes and gives me a hug and says, "You are the best mom." Kevin is right there and says, "Hey I thought I was the best?" Liam with a smirk, "Well, mommy is the bestest!"
We are about to go sledding in Colorado and Liam is looking reluctant...I say "Come on, let's go sledding...aren't you excited?!?" Liam, "I think I have pwoblem (problem)." Me, "Well, what's wrong?" Liam, "I think there might be an abominable snow monster out there." (character from Rudolf the movie:)
Liam to me,"Mom I think your nickname should be 'Beautiful'"
Liam, "If your hair threw up, it would just throw up more hair."
Liam very seriously, "Dad, when I die, you can put my belly button in a museum."
Liam to Aunt DeeDee, " I have a daughter named Hatch." DeeDee, "Really...why is that her name?" Liam, "Because she hatched out of my tummy. And hey she can do lots of tricks too."
Me to Liam, "Get busy with your dinner or get a spanking." Liam to me with zero concern, "Oh mom, you're not dad."
Liam holding my cheeks, "Oh mom, you're so cute."
Liam to me, "I'm so glad God named me Liam so I could be in this family."
Liam got scared of a thunderstorm and I said, "Liam, it is just God playing his drums." Liam, "Well, can't he go in one of his closets to do that?"
Liam to me after going to bathroom...."that felt so good it made my eyes want to pop out and go to space and back!!"
Liam to me all the time as he hugs me, "Just not happy without ya."
Liam, "Wow mom, you giving me donuts makes me want to follow your rules."
Liam, "Mom, how can you read my mind!?"
Liam says all the time "That's easy peasy lemon squeezy."
I asked Liam about some mess he had made and he says completely serious, "Well actually that was the invisible aliens."
Liam to Landon, "I just flapped my arms really fast and I think I started to fly!"
Me to Liam, "What would you do if you saw a bear in the woods?" Liam, "I would fight it."
Kallie's Most Famous Quotes
Kallie to us, "Can I get a whoop whoop??"
Kallie to me, "Mom you cannot talk like that to me."
Klaire's Most Famous Quotes
Klaire to Liam, "I don't like your attitude buddy."
Kallie to Klaire, "You are Klaire Elise." Klaire, "No, I'm not. I am Klaire Bear."
1 comment:
I hope you win! Chicco is the best there is! We love our stroller!
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