Monday, September 29, 2008

Dearest Drew

It is through tears of pain and relief that I write to tell you that our nephew, Drew, went home yesterday. He went peacefully in the arms of his parents. We thank you for your prayers and support for the Clark family and ours.

Please read their blog to see how they are glorifying God amidst their loss.


Lane said...

I am so sorry. I have been keeping up with them and pryaing for them. My heart hurts for them and you guys. Everyone will remain in our prayers to get through this hard time.

Anonymous said...

Oh Laura, my heart aches for you and your family. I was so hoping this would end differntly. I pray God wraps His amazing arms around you and your family. Call me if you need ANYTHING. I'm here for you.

Emily said...

Hey Laura! You're blog is just way too adorable, I'll still learning this technology stuff! My girls are 2 and 1, they are 11 months a part. It's nice to have them so close together and go through all of the stages at once. We are in North Carolina right now, Josh is working his way through nursing school, he did 5 years of youth ministry and decided he wanted a change. Things are well and busy. I sell hair bows to help out some, it's fun. I hope things go well with the twins! I'm excited for you!

Lindsey Eason said...

Words just cannot express how sorry I am for your a mother, my heart hurts. I will be praying for all of you. May sweet Drew find rest and comfort in the precious arms of his Heavenly Father.